It's good to know
I'll have your love,
Which ever way the wind blows
A guiding light
That will shine on
Through the darkest night
When the world seems like it's full of strangers (full of strangers)
And I feel as if I've lost my way
You lift me up on the wings of love
Taking me higher still with every touch
Whenever I'm weak, honey
You take me there again
On the wings of love
It's all I need
When you hold me
And whisper tenderly
That I'm the one
You'll love forever (forever)
What else could I want
In life where we all go through changes
And when the dreams I have, been swept away
You lift me up on the wings of love
Taking me higher still with every touch
Whenever I'm weak, honey
You take me there again
On the wings of love
(I'm flying high)
Its all I need when you hold me close and you whisper tenderly
(Up on the wings of love)
Higher still with every touch
Whenever I'm weak, honey
You take me there again
On the wings of love
You lift me up on the wings of love (on the wings of love)
Higher still with every touch (Higher still with every touch)
Whenever I'm weak, honey
You take me there again
On the wings of love
(On the wings of love)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Legendary Creatures

In Philippine mythology, a Diwata or Lambana is a mythological figure similar to fairies or nymphs, although this trivializes the importance of diawata in pre-colonial Philippine culture. 400+ years ago, diawata were seen as gods and goddesses. They were benevolent or neutral and coule be called upon ritually for positive crop growth, health, and fortune, but they also caused illness or misfortune if not given proper respect (source: William Henry Scott's BARANGAY: Sixteenth Centure Philippine Culture and Society, 1994). They are said to reside in large trees, such as acacia and balete and are the guardian spirits of nature, bringing blessing or curses upon those who bring benefits or harm to the forests and mountains. It is a Filipino spelling for the Sanskrit word devatha, but the name is ultimately derived from the Sanskrit word dev, meaning deity.

A unicorn (from Latin unus 'one' and cornu 'horn') is a mythological creature. Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn also has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves—these distinguish it from a horse. Marianna Mayer has observed (The Unicorn and the Lake), "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison."

A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Mermaids have a broad representation in folklore, literature, and popular culture.
The word is a compound of mere, the Old English word for "sea", and maid, a woman. The male equivalent is a merman.
Much like sirens, mermaids sometimes sing to people and gods and enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing them to walk off the deck or run their ships aground. Other stories depict them squeezing the life out of drowning men while attempting to rescue them.

A sphinx (Ancient Greek: Σφίγξ / Sphinx, sometimes Φίξ /Phix) is a mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. It has its origins in sculpted figures of Old Kingdom Egypt, to which the ancient Greeks applied their own name for the male monster, the "strangler", an archaic figure of Greek mythology.
Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 B.C.

In Greek mythology, a harpy ("snatcher", from Latin: harpeia, originating in Greek: ἅρπυια, harpūia) was one of the winged spirits best known for constantly stealing all food from Phineas. The literal meaning of the word seems to be "that which snatches" as it comes from the ancient Greek word harpazein (ἁρπάζειν), which means "to snatch".
A harpy was the mother by the West Wind Zephyros of the horses of Achilles. In this context Jane Ellen Harrison adduced the notion in Virgil's Georgics (iii.274) that mares became gravid by the wind alone, marvelous to say.

In Greek mythology, the centaurs (from Ancient Greek: Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings, as on the kantharos illustrated below left, they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.

In Philippine mythology, a Diwata or Lambana is a mythological figure similar to fairies or nymphs, although this trivializes the importance of diawata in pre-colonial Philippine culture. 400+ years ago, diawata were seen as gods and goddesses. They were benevolent or neutral and coule be called upon ritually for positive crop growth, health, and fortune, but they also caused illness or misfortune if not given proper respect (source: William Henry Scott's BARANGAY: Sixteenth Centure Philippine Culture and Society, 1994). They are said to reside in large trees, such as acacia and balete and are the guardian spirits of nature, bringing blessing or curses upon those who bring benefits or harm to the forests and mountains. It is a Filipino spelling for the Sanskrit word devatha, but the name is ultimately derived from the Sanskrit word dev, meaning deity.

A unicorn (from Latin unus 'one' and cornu 'horn') is a mythological creature. Though the modern popular image of the unicorn is sometimes that of a horse differing only in the horn on its forehead, the traditional unicorn also has a billy-goat beard, a lion's tail, and cloven hooves—these distinguish it from a horse. Marianna Mayer has observed (The Unicorn and the Lake), "The unicorn is the only fabulous beast that does not seem to have been conceived out of human fears. In even the earliest references he is fierce yet good, selfless yet solitary, but always mysteriously beautiful. He could be captured only by unfair means, and his single horn was said to neutralize poison."

A mermaid is a mythological aquatic creature with a female human head and torso and the tail of a fish. Mermaids have a broad representation in folklore, literature, and popular culture.
The word is a compound of mere, the Old English word for "sea", and maid, a woman. The male equivalent is a merman.
Much like sirens, mermaids sometimes sing to people and gods and enchant them, distracting them from their work and causing them to walk off the deck or run their ships aground. Other stories depict them squeezing the life out of drowning men while attempting to rescue them.

A sphinx (Ancient Greek: Σφίγξ / Sphinx, sometimes Φίξ /Phix) is a mythological figure which is depicted as a recumbent lion with a human head. It has its origins in sculpted figures of Old Kingdom Egypt, to which the ancient Greeks applied their own name for the male monster, the "strangler", an archaic figure of Greek mythology.
Generally the role of sphinxes was as temple guardians; they were placed in association with architectural structures such as royal tombs or religious temples. The oldest known sphinx was found in Gobekli Tepe, Turkey and was dated to 9,500 B.C.

In Greek mythology, a harpy ("snatcher", from Latin: harpeia, originating in Greek: ἅρπυια, harpūia) was one of the winged spirits best known for constantly stealing all food from Phineas. The literal meaning of the word seems to be "that which snatches" as it comes from the ancient Greek word harpazein (ἁρπάζειν), which means "to snatch".
A harpy was the mother by the West Wind Zephyros of the horses of Achilles. In this context Jane Ellen Harrison adduced the notion in Virgil's Georgics (iii.274) that mares became gravid by the wind alone, marvelous to say.

In Greek mythology, the centaurs (from Ancient Greek: Κένταυροι - Kéntauroi) are a race of creatures composed of part human and part horse. In early Attic and Boeotian vase-paintings, as on the kantharos illustrated below left, they are depicted with the hindquarters of a horse attached to them; in later renderings centaurs are given the torso of a human joined at the waist to the horse's withers, where the horse's neck would be.
This half-human and half-animal composition has led many writers to treat them as liminal beings, caught between the two natures, embodied in contrasted myths, both as the embodiment of untamed nature, as in their battle with the Lapiths, or conversely as teachers, like Chiron.
Mortal Kombat Characters

Sonya Blade is a character from the Mortal Kombat series. She is known for being the first female character in the Mortal Kombat series and one of the first playable female fighting characters in video game history.

Kitana or Princess Kitana by title, is a primary hero in the Mortal Kombat saga, Kitana is the princess of Edenia and the daughter of Queen Sindel. She is over 10,000 years old, although she appears to be in her early to mid twenties. Through the years, she has risen to great importance, first as the loyal stepdaughter of Shao Kahn; then his enemy, tearing herself away from his grasp and freeing her home realm of Edenia; and then leading an army into Outworld to combat any chance of Shao Kahn rising to power again.

Mileena was brought to life by Shang Tsung using Tarkatan race's physiology to be a clone of Edenian Princess Kitana for the evil Emperor Shao Kahn. Mileena looks just like Kitana when her mask is on (especially since Kitana often also wears a mask), but when it is off, her true, flawed visage is exposed. She despises Kitana, and feels that it is her own right to rule Edenia as princess in her place. Her fondest wish is to kill her "sister", and claim her existence for her own. Something of an opportunist, Mileena will make use of any chance to seize power that comes within her grasp.

Sindel was the queen of Edenia before Shao Kahn merged the realm with Outworld. Unwilling to serve under his oppressive rule after Kahn killed her husband King Jerrod during battle, she soon took her own life. In order to merge Earthrealm and Outworld and thus start an invasion, Kahn (with the assistance of Shang Tsung) revived her on Earth, but turned her into his loyalist queen with no memory of her past. After Kahn's defeat, Sindel's daughter, Kitana, told her about her true past, causing Sindel to rebel against Kahn. With Edenia no longer a part of Outworld, Sindel took her rightful place on the throne. However, the forces of Shinnok soon storm the palace and she is captured but Shinnok was defeated by Earth warriors and save the peaceful realm. Edenia is once again invaded, this time by the Dragon King, Onaga, who had resurrected Kitana and her slain Earthrealm allies and placed them under his control. Sindel was once again confined inside her own prison, this time guarded by her own daughter, but was freed by Jade.

Nightwolf debuted in MK3 as a Native American shaman who was also one of the chosen warriors of Earthrealm during Shao Kahn's invasion. In MK: Deception, he used the "Sin Eater" method (absorbing the sins of his tribe) to defeat Onaga, although he had to do it alone to protect his allies from harm. In doing so, he successfully separated Reptile from Onaga and banished the latter to the Netherealm. Nightwolf then returned with his allies to assist them in battle against Shinnok and his forces. Eventually, Nightwolf was met by Kitana and the spirit of Liu Kang. Still drained after using his shamanic powers on Onaga, Nightwolf used what magic he could to relieve Kitana of her burden, and took on the responsibility of looking after Liu Kang's spirit

In the mountains of Afghanistan, Kira had disguised herself as a man, and sold weapons to terrorist organizations. During one such transaction in a cave, her gender was revealed, and she had no choice but to fight her way out. Emerging victorious, she encountered Kabal, who had been waiting outside to behold the victor. He had decided to reconstitute the Black Dragon, and observing how Kira conducted herself in executing her misdeeds in a cold and calculated fashion, he was reminded of the Red Dragon, the organization from which the Black Dragon split. Since the Black Dragon did not have this presence, Kabal offered to make Kira his first recruit. Accepting, Kira devoted herself to her new organization. She then went with Kabal to New York City to recruit Kobra. According to Kira's MK: Deception ending, Kira was made to fight Kobra to the death by Kabal as a test; Kira won. Yet in her MK: Armageddon ending, someone else had killed Kobra. Kira uses her power to restore Kobra, but Kobra drains all of the power from her.

Ashrah is a demon from the Netherealm with the appearance of an elegant and humble woman, dressed in a white outfit with a large hat attached with a veil covering her face. She was once a member of Quan Chi's Brotherhood of Shadow, which worshiped the fallen Elder God Shinnok. One day, Ashrah refused to carry out one of Quan Chi's orders. In response, he sent her sister to kill her. While escaping in the Netherealm, she found a holy sword known as a Kris that cleansed her spirit of evil with each kill. What she didn't know was that the blade was actually the "Datusha", a mystical vampire-slaying weapon that corrupts its wielder with the false belief that they are using it for a greater purpose in order to continue its genocide against vampires and other demons. She searched for Noob Saibot, whom she considers to be a powerful demon, as doing so would enable her to complete her ascension. From her appearance and Kris sword, it is assumed she is Muslim possibly Malaysian or Moro Filipino.

Ermac is an entity composed of legions of dead souls created by Shao Kahn, most likely out of souls he had previously taken. On one mission for Shao Kahn in the Netherealm, Ermac became acquainted with Shujinko. He was also assaulted by Ashrah, who erroneously believed him to be a demon.

Jade first appears in MKII as a non-playable hidden character who randomly appeared onscreen with clues on how to locate her. She was a green palette swap of Kitana and it was not until UMK3 that she became playable and was given a backstory as a fellow Edenian and childhood friend of Kitana. She once served as Shao Kahn's personal assassin along with Kitana and Mileena. During Shao Kahn's invasion, Jade was ordered by the Kahn to capture Kitana but turned against him to side with her friend and Earth warriors. Sometime after MK: Deadly Alliance, she witness Kitana and her allies were being resurrected and captured by the Dragon King Onaga, both of them were under a spell to serve him as slaves. In MK: Deception, Jade rescues Sindel from prison in Edenia after being guarded by Kitana under Onaga's orders but locked in the cell by Jade. She and Sindel escape to Outworld, but Jade attempts to seek justice against homeland traitor Tanya.

Tanya is a slender, gloomy female from Edenia. Originally introduced as relatively innocent, she quickly turnes out to be corrupted by evil, as evidenced in her adherence to the worshipping of Shinnok and her later service to both the Deadly Alliance and Onaga. She seems to view herself as more of a survivor rather than anything else, justifying her choices as being the "right decisions". During this time, she attempts to lure Liu Kang into a trap, but the attempt does not succeed, and Shinnok's power base is soon destroyed. With her master gone, and herself a wanted traitor in Edenia (having earned in particular the wrath of Jade), Tanya flees to Outworld.

Li Mei's village was forced into slavery to help construct Shang Tsung's palace around the Soulnado, which had been a long-time legend of her people. In attacking Kano, she gained the attention of Quan Chi, who promised her freedom if she could win a tournament. Around this time she befriended Shujinko, captured by Kano during his 40 year quest for the Kamidogu. Shujinko offered to train her even though he felt that her chances in the Deadly Alliance's "tournament" were slim. She later journeyed to a nearby forest were she was attacked by Moloch and Drahmin. She escaped through the trees as Shang Tsung came and formed an alliance with the Oni.

Kenshi is a born fighter who once was tricked by Shang Tsung into using a powerful sword which leaves him blind. Kenshi spent the next decade retraining his senses, all while searching for his betrayer and the defiler of his ancestry. Kenshi's special abilities eventually caught the attention of Jax and Sonya, who were looking for members with special talents to join their side and venture into Outworld. In his travels across Outworld, Kenshi allied with the ninja Ermac after freeing him from Shao Kahn's control, who awakened Kenshi's latent telekinetic power. Unknown to Kenshi, the Deadly Alliance knew of his presence and sent Mavado to eliminate him.

Mortal Kombat Armageddon

* Ashrah
* Baraka
* Blaze
* Bo' Rai Cho
* Chameleon
* Cyrax
* Daegon
* Dairou
* Darrius
* Drahmin
* Ermac
* Frost
* Fujin
* Goro
* Havik
* Hotaru
* Hsu Hao
* Jade
* Jarek
* Jax
* Johnny Cage
* Kabal
* Kai
* Kano
* Kenshi
* Khameleon
* Kintaro
* Kira
* Kitana
* Kobra
* Kung Lao
* Li Mei
* Liu Kang
* Mavado
* Meat
* Mileena
* Mokap
* Moloch
* Motaro
* Nightwolf
* Nitara
* Noob Saibot
* Onaga
* Quan Chi
* Raiden
* Rain
* Reiko
* Reptile
* Sareena
* Scorpion
* Sektor
* Shang Tsung
* Shao Kahn
* Sheeva
* Shinnok
* Shujinko
* Sindel
* Smoke
* Sonya Blade
* Stryker
* Sub-Zero
* Tanya
* Taven
Friday, April 2, 2010
Personlities I Love

Zachary David Alexander "Zac" Efron (born October 18, 1987) is an American actor and singer. He began acting professionally in the early 2000s, and became known to young audiences after his roles in the Disney Channel Original Movie High School Musical, the WB series Summerland, and the 2007 film version of the Broadway musical Hairspray. In 2007, right before the release of High School Musical 2, Rolling Stone declared him the "poster boy for tweenyboppers" and featured him in their late August 2007 issue.

Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer. After working in local theater plays and television commercials in her childhood, Hudgens made her screen debut in the 2003 drama film Thirteen as Noel. She next starred in the 2004 science-fiction-adventure film Thunderbirds. Hudgens's most prominent role was as Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series. She earned critical acclaim for her role in the 2009 film Bandslam.
Hudgens's debut album V was released on September 26, 2006. The album entered the Billboard 200 at number twenty four, and was later certified Gold. Hudgens released her second album, Identified, on July 1, 2008 in the U.S.

Shane Stephen Filan (born July 5, 1979) is the lead singer of Irish pop band Westlife. Filan is one of the five original Westlife members, along with other current members Kian Egan, Mark Feehily and Nicky Byrne and former member Brian McFadden.
Filan was born on July 5, 1979 to Peter and Mae Filan, and grew up in Sligo, a busy commercial town in the northwest of Ireland. The youngest of seven children, he has three brothers and three sisters: Finbarr, Peter Jr, Yvonne, Liam, Denise and Mairead. His parents owned a diner in Sligo named Carlton Cafe located on Castle Street and Shane used to work there as a waiter from a very early age.

Vic Chou (traditional Chinese: 周渝民; pinyin: Zhōu Yúmín) is a Taiwanese actor, singer and commercial model. He is a member of the famous Taiwanese boy band F4, and has starred in many Taiwanese dramas. His stage name, 周渝民, literally means “a completely changed person”. It had a variation only in the middle character (from 育 to 渝) from his birth name, 周育民 (pinyin: Zhōu Yùmín), which literally means “a completely nourished or reared person”.

Jensen Ross Ackles (born March 1, 1978) is an American actor. He is notable for his television roles as Eric Brady in Days of our Lives which earned him several Daytime Emmy Award nominations, as Alec/X5-494 in Dark Angel, and as Jason Teague in Smallville. Ackles appears as Dean Winchester on the CW television series Supernatural starring alongside Jared Padalecki.

Claire Ann Richards (born 17 August 1977) is an English singer best known for her membership of the pop quintet, Steps.
Richards began her career as one third of pop trio 'TSD' with Cossie and Bonnie. They had little success and were dropped by their record label after the release of their second single "Baby I Love You". Richards went on to work as a receptionist for seven months, winning the temp of the month award for May 1997.

Jessica Marie Alba (born April 28, 1981) is an American television and film actress. She began her television and movie appearances at age 13 in Camp Nowhere and The Secret World of Alex Mack (1994). Alba rose to prominence as the lead actress in the television series Dark Angel (2000–2002). Alba later appeared in various films including Honey (2003), Sin City (2005), Fantastic Four (2005), Into the Blue (2005), Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer and Good Luck Chuck both in 2007.
Alba is considered a sex symbol and often generates media attention for her looks. She appears frequently on the "Hot 100" section of Maxim and was voted number one on's list of "99 Most Desirable Women" in 2006, as well as "Sexiest Woman in the World" by FHM in 2007. The use of her image on the cover of the March 2006 Playboy sparked a lawsuit by her, which was later dropped. She has also won various awards for her acting, including the Choice Actress Teen Choice Award and Saturn Award for Best Actress (TV), and a Golden Globe nomination for her lead role in the television series Dark Angel.

Leona Louise Lewis (born 3 April 1985) is an English pop and R&B singer–songwriter. Lewis rose to fame in 2006 as the winner of the third series of the British television series The X Factor.
Lewis has become a multi-platinum selling artist and three time Grammy Award nominee. She was proclaimed 'Top New Artist' by Billboard magazine in 2008. Lewis has released two albums to date, Spirit and Echo, in 2007 and 2009 respectively. Spirit became the fastest-selling debut album and the biggest seller of 2007 in both the United Kingdom and Ireland, and made Lewis the first British solo artist to top the Billboard 200 with a debut album. It has sold over 6.5 million copies worldwide.
Lewis's debut single "A Moment Like This" became the fastest selling UK single after being downloaded over 50,000 times within thirty minutes of its release. Her second single, "Bleeding Love", reached number one positions in over thirty singles charts around the world. In November 2008 she set a record in the UK for the fastest selling download-only release with her cover version of the Snow Patrol song "Run" which sold 69,244 copies in two days. In November 2009, the first set of dates for her 2010 debut world tour were announced.

David James Archuleta (born December 28, 1990) is an American pop singer-songwriter. At ten years old he won the children's division of the Utah Talent Competition leading to other television singing appearances. When he was twelve years old, Archuleta became the Junior Vocal Champion on Star Search 2. In 2007, at sixteen years old, he became one of the youngest contestants on the seventh season of American Idol. In May 2008 he finished as the runner-up, receiving 44 percent of over 97 million votes.
In August 2008 Archuleta released "Crush," the first single from his self-titled debut album. The album, released two months later, debuted at number two on the Billboard 200 chart; it has sold over 750,000 copies in the U.S. and over 900,000 Worldwide.

Cameron Michelle Diaz (born August 30, 1972) is an American actress and former model. She broke out in the 1990s with her roles in The Mask, My Best Friend's Wedding and There's Something About Mary, and subsequently appeared in Charlie's Angels, Shrek, Vanilla Sky, Gangs of New York, and several other Hollywood films. Diaz has received Golden Globe nominations for her performances in There's Something About Mary, Being John Malkovich, Vanilla Sky, and Gangs of New York.
"Music is my Passion"

I'm a music lover.
A day without music is like a decade of deafness to me.
I began to appreciate music when i was 9.
Here are some of my favorite lines in a song.
"It's all i need when you hold me
and whisper tenderly,
That i'm the one you'll love forever
what else could i want?"
-On the wings of love
"Thought i couldn't live without you,
It's gonna hurt when it heals to.
(It'll all get better in time)
And even though i really love you,
I'm gonna smile coz i deserve to.
(It'll all get better in time)"
-Better in time
"If i'm not the one you want,
Then who's he?
Take your time to figure out,
You'll see.
If i'm not the one you want,
Then maybe,
I'll be the one you need"
-If i'm not the one
"I can see it in your eyes
You feel the same about us, as I
There is no way the truth can be disguised
You're still in love with me
You were never really outta love with me
Your eyes don't lie,
Your eyes don't lie!"
-Your eyes don't lie

Read On....
I love her
She said she loves me
But I know she loves him
In the end, she chose him
And left me with nothing
But the memories...
Tears here and there,
Heartaches everywhere.
But, I STILL love HER....
(Wednesday, April 7,2010)
You rejected my call twice.
So don't expect me to believe your excuses,
Masikip sa byahe, di Q mahagilap ung phone Q.
All lies...
She said she loves me
But I know she loves him
In the end, she chose him
And left me with nothing
But the memories...
Tears here and there,
Heartaches everywhere.
But, I STILL love HER....
(Wednesday, April 7,2010)
You rejected my call twice.
So don't expect me to believe your excuses,
Masikip sa byahe, di Q mahagilap ung phone Q.
All lies...
Crazy Things I've done.. (so far) lol
"No More Food For Lunch"
High School days. I'm a sophomore then.
Lunchtime hits the clock. While me and my classmates were eating at the canteen, a senior student came to us and dropped something "very unpleasant" on our table that scares out our appetite.
I whispered something to my classmates, and together we stand then dumped our lunch into his face then we ran away, and find ourselves at the principals office at the end of the day. lol
"The Lights"
My mama said when I was (2 years & 4 months).
At night, when we were about to sleep, mama turned the lights off.
Jason: Mama it's dark I can't see, turn the lights on.
So my mama turned on the lights.
Jason: Why did you turned the lights on? I'm sleepy. Turn it off!
Mama turned the lights off again.
Jason: It's dark! I can't see!
Mama: That's enough! Now close your eyes and sleep.
Jason: Yes mama....
"Drink it"
I remember one time when I was walking downstairs in the building(boarding house) where I used to stay for good, I saw our landlady drinking her favorite softdrink(Sprite) again. Then she left.
My craziness takes place, i put a spoonful of salt into her unempty bottle and and shook it well for the salt to dissolve with a naughty smile on my face. For I know soon she'll be back and drink it with a distasteful surprise. lol.....

High School days. I'm a sophomore then.
Lunchtime hits the clock. While me and my classmates were eating at the canteen, a senior student came to us and dropped something "very unpleasant" on our table that scares out our appetite.
I whispered something to my classmates, and together we stand then dumped our lunch into his face then we ran away, and find ourselves at the principals office at the end of the day. lol
"The Lights"

My mama said when I was (2 years & 4 months).
At night, when we were about to sleep, mama turned the lights off.
Jason: Mama it's dark I can't see, turn the lights on.
So my mama turned on the lights.
Jason: Why did you turned the lights on? I'm sleepy. Turn it off!
Mama turned the lights off again.
Jason: It's dark! I can't see!
Mama: That's enough! Now close your eyes and sleep.
Jason: Yes mama....
"Drink it"
I remember one time when I was walking downstairs in the building(boarding house) where I used to stay for good, I saw our landlady drinking her favorite softdrink(Sprite) again. Then she left.
My craziness takes place, i put a spoonful of salt into her unempty bottle and and shook it well for the salt to dissolve with a naughty smile on my face. For I know soon she'll be back and drink it with a distasteful surprise. lol.....

Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I want to know if dragons were really true... are they just myths, legends or created by humans powerful minds?
Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures.
The two most familiar interpretations of dragons are European dragons, derived from various European folk traditions, and the unrelated Oriental dragons, such as the Chinese dragon.
European Dragon.

Chinese Dragon.

Fire Dragon.
Dragons are legendary creatures, typically with serpentine or otherwise reptilian traits, that feature in the myths of many cultures.
The two most familiar interpretations of dragons are European dragons, derived from various European folk traditions, and the unrelated Oriental dragons, such as the Chinese dragon.
European Dragon.

Chinese Dragon.

Fire Dragon.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
the girls of Mortal Kombat Armageddon vs. the girls of Tekken 6
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